How to Improve Cell Phone Coverage at Home by
If you live in a rural area it might seem impossible to find good cell phone signals. However, there are things that you can do to get better reception and increase the quality of your call experience when you’re away from Wi-Fi hotspots. The following tips will help you maximize your wireless coverage and reception, even if you don’t have access to a strong internet connection.
First off you need to know what type of device you’re using. There’s a difference between how smartphones, tablets, and laptops work, so you’ll want to know which kind of technology you currently have before you begin to upgrade your antenna system.
When looking for a suitable solution you should check out the size of your home, what rooms you most often use, your budget, your existing network infrastructure, and any other factors that affect your current setup.
Today, mobile phones are so popular that everyone wants to buy one as soon as possible. If you want to increase your mobile network signal, follow these simple steps.
First step is purchasing the best antenna for your device. You may choose any good quality antenna from various stores. I suggest that you should not spend much on this process.
Second step is to install it properly in your device. There are many methods like installing an external antennawhich needs a lot of time and cost. But it will help you to get the best results.
Third is to purchase some other accessories which can enhance your wireless experience. You should focus on buying a good pair of headphones because there is no better way than listening music while working or traveling.
Finally, keep in mind that your carrier’s service provider plays important role in increasing cellular signals. They are providing all the facilities to their customers. For example, if you use Verizon then you will receive 4G LTE services.
It is said that a mobile phone has two antennas which are internal and external ones. External antenna helps to connect the internet and internal antenna connects the radio frequency with the base station. These two antennas work separately but when they meet each other then the result becomes amazing.
If you have noticed that your smartphone’s data speed was low, try to make a small modification at the place where these antennas are connected.
You can do it by placing one end of the cable towards the backside and the other side towards the front. It won’t take more than 1 minute for making this change.
Another thing you should pay attention is that you shouldn’t cover the antenna with any material. Because, it will create noise and disturbance in the signal.After these steps, your cell phone coverage at home will be improved instantly!
Use a Signal Booster
A great way to improve your home Wi-Fi reception is by adding an external antenna to your router. However, not everyone has access to this technology. If you are looking for a solution that will allow you to get better Wi-Fi performance without having to buy an expensive piece of equipment, then you can use a wireless repeater.